Srila Guru Maharaja’s Vyasa Puja 2013


The appearance day of Srila Bhakti Gaurava Narasingha Maharaja was celebrated on 7th September 2013.

Gaura-Gopala Dasa presented Guru Maharaja with this year’s Vyasa Puja book – a hardbound book of over 200 pages with three articles by Guru Maharaja, and articles by Srila Prabhupada, Srila Sridhara Maharaja, Srila Puri Maharaja, Srila Sarasvati Thakura, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, articles by asrama devotees, reports on the missions events over the last year and offerings by disciples.

Guru Maharaja spoke about some of the articles and then Madhava Maharaja was requested to speak. Maharaja spoke about the preaching in Mexico, in particular at Centro Bharati in Guanajuato and how Srila Guru Maharaja has been a great source of inspiration to all the devotees there.

Next, Giri Maharaja spoke about how he had received so much from Guru Maharaja that it was difficult to say which was the most precious gift he had acquired – the gift of Srila Sridhara Maharaja, the gift of Guru Maharaja’s association or the association of so many wonderful devotees.

Guru Maharaja then requested Guru Dasa to read his offering in Kannada. This was followed by Madhava Maharaja who read out Govinda Dasi’s offering in Spanish. Next, Sanatana Dasa read out his offering in Bengali and finally Rupanuga Dasa read his offering in English. In this way, the festival had a very international and multi-lingual flavour.

Balarama Dasa offered the arati to Guru Maharaja while Madhava Maharaja and Kunja-vihari sang the Guruvastakam and devotees offered garlands and puspanjali to Srila Guru Maharaja’s lotus feet.

After jaya-dhvani, Guru Maharaja presented gifts to some of the devotees who had helped at the recent Janmastami festival, then devotees came forward to offer their own presents to Guru Maharaja.

The programme ended with a wonderful prasadam feast that had been made by the devotees in commemoration of Srila Guru Maharaja’s divine appearance day.