Second issue of Gaudiya Touchstone E-magazine is Now Online!

Second issue of Gaudiya Touchstone

This is to announce the release of the second issue of Gaudiya Touchstone, the official E-magazine of Sri Narasingha Chaitanya Ashram, now available online.

Welcome to the Gaudiya Touchstone. In this issue we have an interesting selection of articles on traditional philosophical topics such as Sri Guru Tattva, The Heart of Krishna, Buddhism and Mayavada and more, as well as updates as scientists progress in their understanding of consciousness and discover in True Nature by Dr. B.M. Bhaumik the true nature of reality. The History of Numbers by Swami Vishnu tells us how contributions in Mathematics from India in ancient times make the world what it is today, and for the arts enthusiasts we have the story of the development of Rajasthani Art by Dhira-lalita chronicling art in Rajasthan.

Our cover story takes us on a journey through time to discover a remarkable region in the Himalayas and how India got her name from the Sindhu River. This article is also augmented by an amazing photo spread of Ladakh by staff photographer Ram Mohan.

We have packed a lot into this issue for our readers to digest in one sitting. And speaking of digesting we almost forgot to mention Got Raw Milk? If not then you certainly will after reading Priyanana's informative health article, Got Raw Milk? And in Culinary Magic the Carr twins Bhakta-priya and Vraja Kishor share with us some of their secrets from the Vermont Kitchen. Lots of good things to digest in this issue of Gaudiya Touchstone ‹ spiritually, intellectually and physically. So please read on.

Swami Narasingha


The magazine can be viewed at hi-res by clicking the button in the bottom left-hand corner.

Gaudiya Touchstone is best viewed in full screen mode. Readers should first be in hi-res mode and then click on the Full Screen icon at the right-hand side of the navigation bar below.

To turn the pages, simply click on the page corner or use the navigation bar below the magazine.

Readers can also jump to specific pages by entering the page number in the box below the magazine.

Please visit second issue of Gaudiya Touchstone here.