Narasingha Maharaja's Samadhi Mandira -Update 2


Firstly, our apologies for taking so long to post an update about the samadhi - we have been busy in Vrndavana making arrangements for Narasingha Maharaja’s pushpa-samadhi and bhajan-kutir at Radha-Damodara Temple. The pushpa-samadhi is scheduled to be installed in Karttika this year.

As far as the construction of Narasingha Maharaja’s samadhi in Govindaji Gardens is concerned, curing has been going on for the foundation while construction materials have been purchased. We now have bricks, sand and cement for all the walls, a solid Burmese teakwood door frame carved by our carpenters in Mysore, window frames etc. After curing is over in the next few days, the construction of the walls should continue.

As always we appreciate your support through donations. Stay tuned for more updates.

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