Swami BB Vishnu: Publications

Our Affectionate Guardians book cover in Czech language

Our Affectionate Guardians (Czech)

Documents the intimate relationship of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Sridhara Maharaja from their early days together, sharing quarters during the difficult days in the Gaudiya Matha and after Srila P

Swami BB Vishnu
Vedic Science & History book cover

Vedic Science & History

This book – Vedic Science and History, gives a detailed overview of the various contributions of Indian civilisation and it is our hope that this will help the reader discover and appreciate the many wondrous scientific contributions of the ancient Vedic culture of India.
Swami BB Vishnu
Science of Sacred book cover

Science of the Sacred

"Science of the Sacred" is a must read for those interested in knowing about India's unique and interesting achievements in the scientific field.

Swami BB Vishnu
Our Affectionate Guardians book cover

Our Affectionate Guardians

Documents the intimate relationship of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Sridhara Maharaja from their early days together, sharing quarters during the difficult days in the Gaudiya Matha and after Srila P

Swami BB Vishnu
Holy Faces of India booke cover

Holy Faces of India

Whenever one visits a temple in India, it is common to see the foreheads of devotees and priests adorned with markings that are commonly known as tilaka.

Swami BB Vishnu
Kumbha Mela book cover

Kumbha Mela - The World's Largest Act of Faith

Once every twelve years, Jupiter enters Aries, and the sun simultaneously enters Capricorn. According to the Vedas, this astral conjunction provides a prime opportunity for spiritual enlightenment. To celebrate this event, millions gather on the banks of the Ganges, creating the world's largest act of faith.
Swami BG Narasingha
Swami BB Vishnu