A sincere student should not neglect the discussion of such conclusions, considering them controversial, for such discussions strengthen the mind. Thus one's mind becomes attached to Krsna." ( Cc. Adi-lila 2.117 )
- Words From Our Guardians
- A Transcendental Friendship (unabridged) (abridged)
- Sri Guru & His Grace
- Ritvik-vada: Illuminations of Guru Parampara and Ritvik Defeated
A Short Presentation on Jiva-tattva
- Preface
- Introduction
- Eleven Points of Discussion
- 108 Defects of "Our Original Position"
- Origin of the Jiva - MP3 audio file by Swami B. R. Sridhara
- Origin of the Jiva - article by Swami B. R. Sridhara
- Bhaktivinode Thakur Speaks
- See also Tulsi-devi, Atomic Ray and Kala-krsnadasa by Swami Narasingha
- Heart of Krsna: Avoiding Vaishnava Aparadha
- A Transcendental Friendship (unabridged) (abridged)