vilasatu hrdi nityam bhaktisiddhanta-vani
With his first step, He cut to pieces the whole plane of exploitation, and with his second, he crushed the speculation of scholars of salvation and liberation. With his third, he softened vaidhi bhakti with a touch of divine love (raga marga). Taking us beyond Vaikuntha, he has introduced us to the highest worship of Sri Radha and Govinda.
With the softness of Vrndavana within, and the hardness of a devastator without, he created havoc in the world--fighting with one and all. Singlehandedly fighting against the whole world, and cutting everything to pieces--that was his external attitude. And his second attitude was to stop the boasting research of the scholars and doctors of different schools of thought; and third, to minimize and slacken the grandeur of the worship of Narayana, and establish the service of Radha-Govinda as the highest attainment. He caused the domain of love to descend into this plane, with the service of Radha-Govinda, establishing the flow of divine love from the heart as all in all.
That was his history--the real existence of Srila Bhaktisiddhant Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada. May his divine teachings, bhaktisiddhanta vani, dance eternally within the core of our hearts.
Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Deva Goswami