Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: Writings

Bhakti Yoga - The Science of Self Realization

Who are you?... Are you your body? Or your mind? Or are you something higher? Do you know who you are, or do you merely think you know? And does it really matter? Our materialistic society, with its unenlightened leadership, has made it virtually taboo to inquire into our real, higher self. Instead we use our valuable time maintaining, decorating, and pampering the body for its own sake. Might there be an alternative?

The Post is Paramahamsa

If we try to understand everything in relationship with Krsna, then we understand vastava, reality. That is reality. If we study something minus Krsna, that is not real knowledge. Actually, Krsna is the original cause of all causes. Sarva-karana-karanam. So unless we come to the point of Krsna, any understanding, any knowledge is imperfect.

Hinduism and Krsna Consciousness

There is a misconception that the Krsna consciousness movement represents Hinduism. Krsna consciousness is in no way a faith or religion that seeks to defeat other faiths or religions. Rather, it is an essential cultural movement for the entire human society and does not consider any particular sectarian faith. This cultural movement is especially meant to educate people in how they can love God.

The process for carrying out Srila Prabhupada's desires for future initiations

In May 1977 His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada felt that his days in this material world were almost at an end. He traveled to Vrndavana and asked that his leading disciples come and join him. Specifically, he called for the members of the Governing Body Commission, who manage the worldwide preaching activities of Iskcon. Within a few days they gathered, in fear of the imminent departure of His Divine Grace. At that time many last affairs of His Divine Grace were put in order. He wrote his last will, entrusting everything to Iskcon, and assigned his disciples as trustees of the various Iskcon properties in India and around the world.

Srila Sridhara Maharaja and Srila Prabhupada Room Conversation - March 1977

Srila Prabhupada: I want to take you everywhere. At least at the place we have in Mayapura, people are coming from all over the world. Why don't you come and stay there? What is your objection to staying in Mayapura? If you just agree, then whatever kind of building you want, I will arrange it for you. They are trying to build a house for me, so both of us will stay there. And whenever you want, you can come here.

Srila Prabhupada and Srila Sridhara Maharaja - Room Conversation Transcript - March 17, 1973

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. So, our Swami Maharaja has done a miracle! (Laughingly) He has done a miracle. What Bhaktivinoda conceived and [Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati] Prabhupada tried according to his conception to translate into action -- we find that through Swami Maharaja in his last days these revelations have been fulfilled. We are happy, we are glad, we are proud of Swami Maharaja, and of you all too.