Swami BB Vishnu: Writings


The Sanskrit word arati literally means "before night." Ratri (night) when prefaced with the letter a indicates dusk. The waving of the lamp before the Deity thus implies the dispelling of the night of our material sojourn with the light of devotion through which God is revealed.

Eleven Points of Discussion on Jiva-tattva

The purpose of this presentation is to provide devotees with pertinent quotes from sastra, Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and other prominent acaryas so that one may be more properly informed on the issue of the "Origin of the Jiva." These quotes are organized in a logical way in support of the eleven points that follow. It is not meant to be a complete presentation in itself, but rather to provoke further contemplation, investigation and penetrating thought.

A Short Presentation on Jiva-tattva

The necessity for this paper arises due to the continued misunderstanding of the actual siddhanta on jiva-tattva by a section of devotees. Many illogical statements have been made in defense of the theory that we fall from the Lord's eternal lila. We will show by analysis of rasa-tattva and logic that is is completely impossible and illogical for living entities to fall from the spiritual world.