Unwavering Determination

Sankirtan movement of Mahaprabhu
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In the Bhagavad Gita 2.41, Krsna emphasizes that we need to fix on our devotion with a one-pointed determination — ekeha-kuru nandana. Otherwise we will lose our focus and become splayed out, bahu-sakha, or many branched. Namely, our attention is diverted by many other concerns, usually of less importance — notably, other than devotion. And in reality we cannot progress if our mind is jumping all over, unable to fix on our primary task of sadhana bhakti

Krsna says many things in Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna, but His instructions are eternal instructions for all time, meant for all of us. Some devotees think that the strict discipline of the orthodox Vaishnava tradition is not meant for this modern permissive society — surely times have changed and we need to embrace a more liberal attitude. But it is just this desire for liberality, permissiveness which has run amok with the rampant expansion of Kali-yuga — controlling our senses is meant to free us from this. Krsna consciousness is the only true sanctuary from the ravages of a runaway society — a pathetic “civilization” headed full speed ahead and over the cliff.

We have all lost track of important things from time to time and too easily become engrossed in irrelevant things of insignificance, thereby wasting our time. Perhaps the best example of this is the internet stickiness and it's incredibly distracting, all attractive aspects, which can grab and hold our attention for untold amounts of wasted time. And this is the content provider's intention, to engage and monetize us. Mostly it just wastes our time by diverting us from our purpose for using the internet — becoming devoured by mindless and useless things. Think endless texting, video games, unfortunately entertaining nonsensical videos and even news. These distractions not only fill our minds with useless trivia, but propagandize and program us with sinister agendas of unknown and undesired interests. And the intention of this stickiness is to capture us and never let go. Bottom line — they want to control and own us.

Maya means not only 'that which is not,' but in this age, also ‘that which we don’t know’, and ‘don’t want to know.’ What it is, is what these vested interests have decided we should know and think about. All of this trivia desensitizes us to our real purpose in an attempt to convert us to these various unwanted and mostly unfamiliar agendas. It diverts our expended energy to serve others purposes, usually without our real permission.

As devotees, it is our life to strive for the higher ideal, the Supreme realizations of the Eternal Transcendental Reality. We have undertaken the process of sadhana bhakti to achieve this, so we must do so with all enthusiasm and vigor. Otherwise we are wasting our time and energy and that of the sincere souls who have also invested their time and energy in us — with the best of intentions — for they have faith in us. Let us not disappoint them.

If we are initiated then we have vowed before Guru and Gauranga to follow the process faithfully with full enthusiasm without deviation. Our love and devotion to Guru will guide us and keep us strong in moments of weakness — which arise unbidden and without warning. Our sadhana and this love are our strong allies in this “War with Maya,” as Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura described it. 

Remain fixed on the goal, “ekeha.” Many temptations of Maya tantalize us— attempting to utilize our energy, time, wealth and ultimately, if we let it, steal even our very soul (atma). 

Haven’t we realized the true shelter Krsna has given us? Many of our fellow residents of this “civilization” are certainly overdue for getting serious in the pursuit of the Ultimate Goal of Life. 

It takes discipline and practice to not let the inevitable distractions capture us and enthrall us — sucking away our very vitality. The all encompassing power of Maya, the Lord’s inferior energy is always lurking ‘out there & in here,’ waiting for any weakness to engage us in Her business — She is after all empowered by Lord Krsna to bewilder and distract us — this is Her service, unfortunate though it is. Our modern world’s incredible technology and penetrating communications ability have monumentally increased Mayas capacity to capture us at every moment in time. 

During my early Sankirtan years I was often in Las Vegas, sometimes for extended periods of time. Although this city is in the middle of a blazing hot desert and is founded on the four principles of irreligiosity, it provided an incredible opportunity for preaching and distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books. For wherever there are bewildered and desperate people there is fertile ground for preaching. A rented house there was kept for many years and one day, I was peacefully reading the Srimad Bhagavatam in the temple room. At a point I reflected on the loud call of Maya outside in greater Vegas — the loud cry to enjoy, was rampant everywhere in Vegas, screamed from all the vivid fluorescent banners proclaiming, “Come and enjoy endlessly. Don’t worry.”

At that time, absorbed in the transcendental sound vibration of the Srimad Bhagavatam superseded any inclination to be attracted by the strong call of maya

Those of us who have been following or at least trying to follow our strict spiritual discipline are only too aware of these distractions/pitfalls in our modern lives. Bhagavad Gita further states that when the mind wanders, we must pull it back and once again focus. Those who achieve goals in life, especially spiritual life, do so by diligently staying focused on achieving them with one-pointed attention and determination — Constantly ! !

Chant, Dance and Be Happy

Srila Prabhupada told his diverse early collection of prospective devotees at 26 second ave to just chant, dance and be happy . . take Prasad and enjoy the experience. And they did. Then, at a point, they learned, “Oh, I have to follow rules? I have to get up early, chant on beads, etc?”

Srila Prabhupada even waited humbly in line with the devotees to bathe until they realized they should let Prabhupada go first. But this relaxed approach makes young devotees more comfortable with the process prior to hearing all the restrictions, easing us into the formal process. 

For this is the direct instruction of Srila Rupa Goswami, 

yena tena parakarena, manah kersen nivesayet
sarve vidhi-nisedha syur etayor eva kinkarah

“An acharya should devise a means by which people may somehow or other come to Krsna consciousness. First they should become Krsna conscious, and all the prescribed rules and regulations may then be gradually introduced.”

From the first chanting of the Holy Name and the tasting of prasadam, the purification process starts. After a short period of time, we get a taste of Krsna — then it is too late to back out. We have a desire for the infinite wealth that awaits — if we only continue.

Now that we (you and I) are aware of this path and progressing we have but one real duty or dharma and that is to keep focused on this goal attentively. When we truly focus intently and execute our sadhana sincerely with one-pointed unwavering attention — only then can we say we are truly executing pure devotional service.

With just a brief experience of chanting we get immense benefit, our heart opens and starts to become purified. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, in His Siksastakam, presents us with the entire ontology of the Chanting of the Holy Name, its significance, difficulties, experiences and the untold benefits we achieve. These short eight verses provide deep insights into the incredibly profound yet simple process of chanting the Maha Mantra: 

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

The first verse of Siksastakam states — the heart is purified & naturally awakens — ceto darpanam marjaram. It is wonderfully instructive and helpful to go through the entire Siksastakam and dive deeply into its essence. Two articles doing just this can be found here: 


Sri Chaitanya descended into this world to fulfill two fundamental desires. The first and most important was to experience his own internal pleasure, and the second was to distribute His Holy Name to the conditioned souls suffering in this material world. 

He predicts his name will reach every corner of the world (prthivite ache yata nagaradi-grama) and instructs us all to spread His words such that this happens (yare dekha, tare kaha krsna-upadesa). And this is the mission of Sri Chaitanya. 

The Lord further instructs us in His Siksastakam to chant His name with eagerness (laulyam). This Holy Name is pure and complete — by chanting carefully, our success is guaranteed. By chanting with eagerness and earnestness, we will purify ourselves and become qualified to enter into pure devotional service and eventually to enter the Lords personal abode. In fact, shastra proclaims that this chanting of the Maha Mantra will take us there to the Lord’s personal abode, 

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

With purified consciousness, we understand more and this deepens our faith, encouraging us to go deeper, to continue. 


If we are simply sincere in our endeavor, and have faith in the process, we are guaranteed success by Krsna. Indeed, this is confirmed in the Vedic literature (Svetasvatara Upanisad 6.23):

yasya deve para bhaktir yatha deve tatha gurau
tasyaite kathita hy arthaḥ prakasante mahatmanah

Only unto those great souls who have implicit faith in both the Lord and the spiritual master, are all the imports of the Vedic literature automatically revealed. 

Further, Krsna states in Bhagavad Gita, not to worry, ma sucah, that he gives the intelligence to us to come to Him, dadami buddhi yogam tam. Simply surrender and serve.