
Sannyasa: It's Internal Meaning

The following is an excerpt from a talk given by Sripad Bhaktibhavana Visnu Maharaja on the occasion of Srila Prabhupada's Sannyasa initiation anniversary at Kesavaji Gaudiya Matha in Mathura.

Mathematics and the Spiritual Dimension

Mathematics has only recently risen to attempt to usurp the throne of Godhead. Ironically, it originally came into use in human society within the context of spiritual pursuit. Spiritually advanced cultures were not ignorant of the principles of mathematics, but they saw no necessity to explore those principles beyond that which was helpful in the advancement of God realization.

The Treasure of Bhakti

Obeisance to the most Magnanimous, the Giver of the Love of Krsna, the Own Self of Krsna, the Lord bearing the Name Krsna-Caitanya and possessed of the Form of golden hue! I submit myself to Sri Krsna-Caitanya, that merciful Person of wonderful deeds Who by the nectar of the treasure of His Own Love intoxicated the world, delirious with ignorance, by freeing it from the malady of nescience.

The Vedanta

I stand before you as a teller. I am going to tell you now a few words more on the Vedanta and especially its ontological aspect, morphology being a former changeable part of the same. My telling craves a reciprocity of your listening to my sound through your aural reception. Sound is the main substratum of the Vedanta which deals with a subject unapproachable by our present crippled imperfect senses.

The Bhagavata

We love to read a book which we never read before. We are anxious to gather whatever information is contained in it and with such acquirement our curiosity stops. This mode of study prevails amongst a great number of readers, who are great men in their own estimation as well as in the estimation of those who are of their own stamp. In fact, most readers are mere repositories of facts and statements made by other people. But this is not study.
Sri Sukadeva Goswami

Sri Vajrasucika Upanisad Of the Sama Veda

I will now proceed to explain the Vajrasuci - that weapon that destroys ignorance. It is the enemy of those who are opposed to knowledge and it adorns the man of divine vision.

Srila Prabhupada Offering

So, the one message that I would like to give you today is: What service are you doing to please Srila Prabhupada? What will you do to show your love, your gratitude? You have gotten so much, it is such a great thing that we have, so let us do something.

Preaching is the Essence

Kirtan, book publishing, and thus distribution also have been accepted by Saraswati Thakura and other great acharyas as service in the line of raganuga (also rupanuga ). To write about the Lord is also kirtan and similarly to preach (to assert and convert others) is also kirtan (when our preaching is performed for the pleasure of Krishna and His pure devotees it is kirtan ).

The Ontological Position of the Vaishnava over the Brahmana

"A brahmana must be perfectly religious. He must be truthful, and he must be able to control his senses. He must execute severe austerities, and he must be detached, humble and tolerant. He must not envy anyone, and he must be expert in performing sacrifices and giving whatever he has in charity. He must be fixed in devotional service and expert in the knowledge of the Vedas. These are the twelve qualifications for a brahmana."

Abandon Unhealthy Mentalities

A Vaishnava is fearless in all circumstances because he knows that Krishna will always protect him. Yet, if we examine the mood of the great souls, the sadhus and the acharyas, we can detect that a Vaishnava is fearful of only one thing ­­ vaishnava-aparadha.