
The Forgetfulness of The Humanists

The Fountainhead of all eternal and temporal manifestations is confined in Sri Krsna alone. The non-absolute phases are emanations from a particular potency whose analytical distributions are known as gunas or qualities. In the factor of time, they are branched as past, present and future and their material representations have three characteristics viz. evolution, sustenance and dissolution.

Sri Sri Sva-Niyama-Dvadasakam - Self-Imposed Regulations

‘Svaniyama Dvadasakam,’ composed in 1907, is the last work written by Bkaktivinoda Thakura before he took babaji-vesa and engaged in nirjana-bhajana. This composition is based upon the ten prayers of Srila Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami entitled ‘Svaniyama Dasakam.’ The work of Bhaktivinoda Thakura is a daily meditation upon the things that are favourable and unfavourable for vraja-bhajana. The final verse gives the faithful reader the blessing of attaining Radha-Krsna in Vraja.

Thakura Bhaktivinoda

We avail of the opportunity offered by the Anniversary Celebrations of the advent of Thakura Bhaktivinoda to reflect on the right method of obtaining those benefits that have been made accessible to humanity by the grace of this great devotee of Krsna. Thakura Bhaktivinoda has been specifically kind to those unfortunate persons who are engrossed in mental speculation of all kinds.

Pastimes and Instructions

The most auspicious event of the 124th Birthday Anniversary of my spiritual master (now in his eternal pastimes), Om Visnupada 108 Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakura, will be on Sri Krsna Pancami, the month of Magha (Jan-Feb). This festival will be celebrated by all the Mathas in a grand way. The advent of my spiritual master is called Vyasa Puja.

Hinduism and Krsna Consciousness

There is a misconception that the Krsna consciousness movement represents Hinduism. Krsna consciousness is in no way a faith or religion that seeks to defeat other faiths or religions. Rather, it is an essential cultural movement for the entire human society and does not consider any particular sectarian faith. This cultural movement is especially meant to educate people in how they can love God.

The Pontifical Position of Madhavendra Puri

Sri Madhavendra Puri is the sprout of the great tree of devotional love represented in the world by Sri Chaitanya Deva. Sri Madhavendra Puri comes from the line of Sri Madhva, the acarya of the pure Dwaita (dualistic) philosophy. It is well known to a student of religious literature that puree dualism is one of the four theistic Vaisnava schools of ancient India. As Brahma, the creator himself, is the pioneer of the faith, the school is also known as the Brahma sampradaya.

Brahma's Illusion

In many places in Srimad-Bhagavatam,we find Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe, being tested by Krsna. And still, Brahma is our gurudeva.He is the original guruof our line. That he could become bewildered is so perplexing and difficult to understand that Madhvacarya eliminated that section from the Srimad-Bhagavatam.He could not accept those two chapters of Srimad-Bhagavatamwhere Brahma was under illusion, where he had some misunderstanding about Krsna. But Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu accepted everything in toto.